Establishment of the diplomatic relations in 1972

In the 1970s, Prime Minister Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal stated at the 16th Party Congress in 1971, "The Mongolian government hopes for friendship with all countries and intends to normalize relations with Japan. We believe that there is no major obstacle to the normalization of relations between Mongolia and Japan", clearly expressing his will to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In the same year, a goodwill mission dispatched by the Japanese government, led by House of Representatives member NAKAJIMA Shigeki, visited Mongolia at the invitation of the Mongolian government. Two Japanese officials in charge of Mongolia from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs accompanied the delegation and met with Foreign Minister L. Rinchin and others.

As a result of efforts on both sides, diplomatic relationships were finally established in 1972, and an agreement on economic cooperation was signed in 1977, bringing the two countries even closer and allowing exchanges to take root.

Goodwill mission of the Japanese government

Goodwill mission dispatched by the Japanese government to Mongolia

From September 10 to 15, 1971.

National Central Archives of Mongolia, Archive of Movie, Audio Visual and Photo Records
The Japanese government delegations led by NAKAJIMA Shigeki visited the Darkhan Food Factory

Toward the establishment of diplomatic relations

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan 1: Joint official statement regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of Mongolia and Japan

On February 19, 1972, both sides expressed the hope for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of Mongolia and Japan and that it would contribute significantly to the development of economic and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

Central Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolia
Fund-59, File-1, Unit-66
Joint official statement regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of Mongolia and Japan

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan 2: Exchange of notes related to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the People's Republic of Mongolia

The Government of Japan and the Government of the People’s Republic of Mongolia decided to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries and to exchange diplomatic representatives at the ambassadorial level. The Joint Communiqué issued on February 19, 1972 (former item), and the official letters exchanged on February 24, 1972 (this item), state that both sides are convinced that the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the People's Republic of Mongolia would promote the development of economic and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

The letters were signed and exchanged in Moscow. In addition to the Japanese and Mongolian versions, a Russian translation of the official document was prepared.

Diplomatic Archives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Japanese-Mongolian relations

Appointment of ambassadors 1: N. Luvsanchultem, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of Mongolia to Japan

On June 7, 1972, after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Japan, N. Luvsanchultem was appointed to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of Mongolia to Japan.

Central Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolia

Fund-151, File-21, Unit-02
Credentials of N. Luvsanchultem, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia in Japan to His Majesty the Emperor Hirohito of Japan

Appointment of ambassadors 2: NIIZEKI Kinya, appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the People's Republic of Mongolia

Following the establishment of diplomatic relations, Japan’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Mongolia, NIIZEKI Kinya, formerly of the Embassy of the Soviet Union, was appointed. Ambassador Niizeki served concurrently as Ambassador to the Soviet Union. This material is a record of the appointment of Ambassador Niizeki, which was approved by the Cabinet on August 1, 1972.

Until then, the Soviet Union had been the base of contact and exchange between the two countries, but in June 1973, the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia was established in Ulaanbaatar.

National Archives of Japan
Regarding the nomination of NIIZEKI Kinya to the plenipotentiary ambassador to Mongolia (concurrently as Ambassador to the Soviet Union) and other 4 persons

Appointment of ambassadors 3: NIIZEKI Kinya, appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the People's Republic of Mongolia

August 24, 1972.

Central Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolia

Fund-59, File-1, Unit-72
Translation of the Credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Mongolia NIIZEKI K. to S. Luvsan, the First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the People's Great Hural of the People's Republic of Mongolia

Academic Exchanges

In October 1972, Ozawa and Arai met with B. Shirendev, President of the Academy of Sciences, and agreed that the Japanese Association for Mongolian Studies would conduct a joint study with the assistance of the Japanese government as follows:

  1. Conducting joint research by the Association in Japan with the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of Mongolia in 1974–1975.
  2. Exchanging researchers of both countries.
  3. Exchanging views on having the price of a book published by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences be the same as a book on Mongolian studies published in Japan.
National Central Archives of Mongolia, Archives of Historical documents

Fund-23, File-2, Unit-724
Visit to Mongolia of Chairman OZAWA Shigeo and ARAI Shinishi of the Mongolian study group in Japan (Japanese Association for Mongolian Studies)

Establishment of Mongolian Embassy in Japan

On November 9, 1972.

According to the document, the Embassy of the People's Republic of Mongolia was established in Tokyo, Japan, and its staffing and structure were determined in this resolution.

National Central Archives of Mongolia, Archives of political parties and public organizations
Fund-4, File-32, Unit-178
Resolution No. 272 of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the MPRP on the establishment of an Embassy in Japan

Establishment of Japanese Embassy in Mongolia

Since June 15, 1973, SAKIYAMA Kisaburo, Counsellor of the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia, served as the Chargés d'affaires ad interim of Japan to Mongolia until the arrival of the Ambassador.

Central Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolia
Fund-59, File-1, Unit-73
Letter from the Japanese Embassy in Ulaanbaatar announcing the opening of the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia and the appointment of SAKIYAMA Kisaburo as acting Ambassador

Appointment of AKIYAMA Teruji as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Mongolia

In 1977.

National Central Archives of Mongolia, Archive of Movie, Audio Visual and Photo Records
Photo of AKIYAMA Teruji, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Mongolia, before handing over his credentials
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