Date | September 5 - 10, 2016 |
Host | International Council on Archives (ICA) and the National Archives of Korea (NAK) |
Theme | Archives, Harmony and Friendship: ensuring cultural sensitivity, justice and cooperation in a globalised world |
Venue | COEX |
(Edited by the National Archives of Japan, September, 2016)
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[September 6, 09:00-12:30 Room 307A] |
Workshop: Restoration of Disaster-affected Documents in Japan |
1 |
11 |
[September 6, 16:45-18:15@Hall E1+2] |
15 |
[September 7, 09:45-11:15@Room 327] |
24 |
[September 7, 15:00-16:30@Hall E1+2] |
30 |
[September 8, 11:45-13:15@Room 307] |
36 |
[September 9, 09:45-11:15@Room 307] |
Panel Presentation |
41 |
58 |
[September 9 11:45-13:15@Room 317] |