The 11th General Conference & Seminar of the East Asian Regional Branch of the International Council of Archives (EASTICA) was held in Chengdu, China from October 15th through 18th, 2013. About 130 participants attended the Seminar.
At the Executive Board (EB) Meeting of EASTICA on October 15th, there were reports on the Postgraduate Certificate in Archival Studies (PCAS) program, which was co-organized by EASTICA and the University of Hong Kong in 2012, as well as on the EASTICA finance. The EB agreed on the National Archives of Korea′s proposal to take over the management of the EASTICA website from Hong Kong. Also approved was the future EASTICA meeting venues; China and Japan will host the annual meetings in 2014 and 2015, respectively.
The 11th General Conference of EASTICA was held in the afternoon of October 16th. Secretary General Simon Chu made a report about the activities in the past two years after the 10th General Conference in Tokyo. All issues in the agenda, including the financial report and future EASTICA venues, were formally approved by the General Conference.
Annual EASTICA Seminar took place on October 16th and 17th under the theme of “Digital Archiving: From Planning to Implementation.” It was composed of two parts: Country/Regional Report, in which Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia and Macao made presentations on recent digital archiving approaches, and sessions by archival experts. Mr. Sander Ujzanovitch from the Amsterdam City Archives gave a presentation under the title of “A Practical Approach of a Digital Repository in a Complex Environment,” while Mr. Tao Shuilong from the Beijing Municipal Archives gave a one titled “Researching on the Regional Digital Archives Construction Basing on the Cloud Computing.” Other presentations include “Digital Archiving at the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records” by Mr. Yukio Hamada from Japan Center for Asian Historical Records, the National Archives of Japan and “A Comparative Analysis of Digital Preservation Strategies and Implementation of Digital Preservation Strategy based on Risk Management” by Mr. Sangmin Lee from the Research Institute for Korean Archives and Records and Ms. Jin Hee Yim from Myongji University.
In the course of the program, on October 16th and 18th, participants had opportunities to pay a visit to the Sichuan Provincial Archives, the Shuangliu County Archives, and the Dujiangyan City Archives and listen to lectures on local digital archiving efforts in China.
Executive Board
Mr. Yoshiyuki Kazama, presenting Japanese Country Report
Mr. Yukio Hamada from JACAR presenting in the professional session
Shuangliu County Archives