EASTICA 2010 Executive Board Meeting & Seminar were held in Seoul
- EASTICA 2010 Executive Board Meeting & Seminar were held in Seoul from May 30th to June 3rd. About 100 EASTICA members from Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Macao were participated in the series of events. This year's EASTICA meeting was held coincide with International Archival Culture Exhibition 2010 (IACE2010, from June 1st to 6th) at COEX Convention & Exhibition Center in Gangnam district. Members were pleased to join the magnificent opening ceremony of IACE as well as IACE seminar held on 1st and 2nd of June.
→Report on IACE2010
- At the Executive Board meeting (EB) on May 30th, EB members were actively discussed on the renewal of the EASTICA website, new policy of Postgraduate Certificate in Archival Studies (PCAS) co-organized by EASTICA and University of Hong Kong, training seminar at Mongolia in May 2010, financial report, approval of new members, and other business. Regarding PCAS program, it has been cancelled since 2009 because of the periodical program review conducted by University of Hong Kong. It was reported that the program would be re-launched in early 2011 and EB members agreed with developing a new curriculum for PCAS program. Training seminar in Mongolia was initially planned in 2009 but postponed until May 2010 because the building of the National Archives of Mongolia was damaged by the severe rainstorm in August 2009. Deputy Director General of the National Archives of Mongolia reported that the seminar was very successful with 70 trainees including staff members of local public archives and private archives. National Archives of Mongolia is now under reconstruction and its new building will be completed in 2012.
- Annual EASTICA Seminar was taken place on May 31st under the theme of "Access: Ethical, Legal and Technical Issues." Mr. Joan van Albada, former ICA Secretary General, Dr. Sarah Choy, archivist of Hong Kong Legislative Council, and Prof. Moon-won Seol of Pusan National University, were invited as keynote speakers and gave lectures on access issues from ethical, legal, and technical point of view. In the afternoon session, representatives of the member countries/regions presented their country reports. Mr. Shigehito Nakahara of the National Archives of Japan (NAJ) delivered the report titled "Promoting Public Access to the Holdings of the National Archives of Japan" and introduced the rules of access to the holdings of NAJ regulated in the newly established Public Archives and Records Management Act. He also remarked NAJ's efforts to expand the scope of users through its digital archive system and exhibitions. Further details of the seminar will be published in the fall issue of our information journal "Archives," No.41.
→Country Report - Japan "Promoting Public Access to the Holdings of the National Archives of Japan
- Please refer to the following ICA websites:
→EASTICA meets in Seoul, South Korea, 31st May 2010
→Photos Galleries EASTICA 2010

At the EASTICA Seminar: Mr. Takayama, President of the National Archives of Japan (left), and Mr. Duan, Deputy Director General of the State Archives Administration of China

Question and answer session

Mr. Takayama delivered the closing address

Staff members of the National Archives of Korea played the Korean traditional drums