23rd July 10:00-12:00 Room 306 [Handouts]
Moderator : Hitoshi GOTO, Kanagawa University
10:00-10:20 | History and Archives Yoneo ISHII, Director General, Japan Center for Asian Historical Records
10:20-10:50 | The Start of Graduate-Level Archival Education in Japan and Accompanying Problems Hirooki HOSAKA, Professor, Graduate Course in Archival Science, Gakushuin University
10:50-11:10 | Historical Materials and Activities of the Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: aiming for a comprehensive information center of historical diplomatic records [PPT] Kazuhisa NAITO, The Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
11:10-11:30 | System Management from Collecting to Access to Public Documents in the Kanagawa Prefectural Archives: the current situation and future directions Shigeru ENDO, Kanagawa Prefectural Archives |
11:30-11:40 | Summary Hitoshi GOTO, Kanagawa University |
11:40-12:00 | Discussion and Q&A |
24th July 10:00-12:00 Room 302 [Handouts]
Moderator : Simon CHU, Secretary General, EASTICA
10:00-10:05 | Opening Remarks Mitsuoki KIKUCHI, President, National Archives of Japan |
10:05-10:25 | Electronic Records Management in China: Present and Prospective [PPT] WANG Liangcheng, Director of Technical Department of the State Archives Administration of China
10:25-10:45 | Seamless Flow of the Public Records: Spread of the Electronic Records Management System of Korea [PPT] KWAG Jeong, Assistant Director of Archival Information Division, National Archives of Korea
10:45-11:05 | Progress of e-Government and Efforts for the Long-term Preservation of Electronic Records in Japan Yasuhiko NAKAJIMA, Chief of the Service Section, Archival Affairs Division, National Archives of Japan
11:05-11:35 | Archives in a Networked Information Society: The Problem of Sustainability in the Digital Information Environment [PPT] Shigeo SUGIMOTO, Professor, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
11:35-12:00 | Discussion and Q&A |
24th July 14:30-17:00 Room 302 [Handouts]
Moderator : Masaya TAKAYAMA, SeniorVice-President, National Archives of Japan
14:30-15:00 | On the Materials of Yamaichi Securities [PPT] Masanao ITO, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo
15:00-15:30 | Japanese Coal Industry Collection at Keio University Library: catalogue database and research perspective [PPT] S. SUGIYAMA, Professor, Department of Economics, Keio University
15:30-16:00 | Managing Critical Records in the Nuclear Power Industry [PPT] Sadamaro YAMASHITA, Executive Consultant, Nippon Records Management Co., Ltd
16:00-16:30 | No Records, No History? Then What Would Happen to Okinawans? [PPT] Kazuhiko NAKAMOTO, Okinawa Prefectural Archives |
16:30-17:00 | Discussion and Q&A |
14:30-15:00 | Brief Description of Japanese Paper Conservation [PPT] Katsuhiko MASUDA, Professor, Showa Women’s University
15:00-16:40 | Workshop Itaru ARITOMO, Chief Conservator, National Archives of Japan Ikuko NAKAJIMA, Conservator, National Archives of Japan
16:40-17:00 | Discussion |